May. If you have school age children, it's clearly a busy month...possibly the busiest of the year! It's been extremely hectic as we try to cram as much in as we can--field trips, end of school parties, swim team practices and meets, fun plans with friends, softball games--it's definitely exhausting, but the reality is that flying through the day at a million miles a minute has been beneficial for me. While I maintain this brisk pace every day, my mind and body are occupied, leaving little time to linger on upcoming things. Such as a 12-hour surgery.
But I've also done plenty, plenty of work to prepare myself. I'm not ignoring the looming procedure or forgoing self-care at this crucial time. In fact, it's been quite the opposite. In addition to kiddo activities, I've loaded my schedule with all sorts of therapeutic time, both of the professional and social varieties. I've done lots of guided imagery work with my therapist and have been regularly listening to two different surgery specific guided imagery CDs. I have been meeting with a Stephen Minister who is also a BC survivor weekly and also met with the Asscoiate Rector at our church, both of whom have provided strong spiritual guidance for me. I continue with acupuncture and massage sessions, make time for exercise almost daily, and run errands to procure every fathomable item I might need in the hospital or during my recovery. I've spoken with several women, both friends and strangers who have become friends, who have undergone the same surgery. And possibly the most important and therapeutic times are those spent talking with friends. A lot of talking about the surgery, yes, but also just keeping up with what is going in in everyone's lives, what people have planned for summer, how everyone is doing. That has been such a gift, a blessing from all of my dear, sweet friends. Whether it is a quick hello or a visit over a meal, a chat in a parking lot or a longer talk on a walk, these interactions have helped me tremendously. The support and reassurance I receive, the helps keep me going.
And since going like the Energizer bunny is the theme of the post....let me share a few images from the busy-ness of the last week or two!
We celebrated David's birthday last Friday with a fancy dinner, which included eyebrow raising contests, naturally. Our kids excel at this skill.
We followed dinner with cake at home. I love this picture that my father in law captured!
Weston completed his first two swim meets. He shaved five seconds off his freestyle time in a mere week! From 1:23 to 1:18!
Reese performed in the second grade musical, in which students were encouraged to dress in a costume depicting part of their cultural heritage. She chose to wear a Swedish costume to commemorate my maternal grandmother's ancestry.
She also played in the final softball game of the season. Her skills have improved considerably this season. Go Angels!
I have--and we have--been so blessed to spend such great time with family and friends lately. I'm not always the best about capturing these moments, and there have been so many. But here are a few from the last two weeks.
Lunch with Sonja and Shannon...
Walking with Nicole and Alyssa....
Greta and Roscoe get support from Fay! Doodles gotta stick together, yo.
Dinner with Monique, Erin and Cathleen...
Walking again, with Nicole, Ann & William, and Alyssa & Fay...
Like I said, there have been many other fun outings: more walks with sweet friends, a great poolside family dinner, and lunches, coffees and dinners. All of these have helped me by making me more relaxed, more present, and just generally happier. Thank you to all of my friends and family. I'm about as ready as I can be for surgery on Tuesday!