Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy thoughts

Guess what I don't have to do today? That's right -- no chemo! It's been four months since I began, and for the first time since mid- January, I'm not making the trip to Houston this week for chemo. Yippee!

All symptoms have subsided, minus some fatigue, and I might have a little bit of fuzz coming in along my temples! Also a couple of new eyelashes! I'm so excited!

We have been so insanely busy, y'all. May is crazy! 

Both kids are on the neighborhood swim team, which means we are at the pool for two hours four days a week, plus the Saturday meets. It's intense and a big commitment, but they both really like it and I think it's so much fun. Reese has moved up to an older, more serious level this year and wants to swim every event possible. Weston is one of the slowest swimmers and still requires quite a bit of coach oversight, but he's convinced he "wins" each practice. I can already see a huge improvement in his skills over the past week. The first meet is this Saturday, so I will provide a full report ! 

Reese's school has had so many wonderful events. The Mother's Day tea was a few days ago. This is a picture in her fantastic math teacher's room before the party, which was so very sweet. They made us tea cups, served us fruit and muffins, wrote us poems, and there was a video presentation in which they each told why they love their mothers. So special!

Yesterday they went on a field trip to the Wildflower Center and I got to chaperone, which was a total blast! The weather was perfect, the kids enjoyed it, and we all took part in a really fun scavenger hunt. I must admit, I learned a lot during the scavenger hunt! Reese loved it and had fun with her friends!  Playing with a frog in the new Family Garden:

Posing with her great class and amazing teachers:

Next up she has Trinity Olympics! Busy and fun times.

It's helping me so much in many ways to stay so busy. The only downside is feeling worn out by afternoon/evening, but I'm definitely distracted from overthinking the surgery. I have spoken with a few people who had the same surgery recently, and all had good experiences and have given me very helpful tips. So besides busyness, I'm also exercising as much as possible and focusing on super healthy eating. I will start surgery-specific guided imagery soon too. Plus I have purchased many things that were recommended and still have a few items on my list!

 All in all, life is busy but great, and we are two weeks from the end of school and 19 days from surgery! Time is flying!


  1. Great report, Shel! Keep taking time to rest and stay healthy - you are doing great, and you will nail this surgery the same way you've kicked chemo's arse. I'm so happy you are able to have these fun and special moments right now with the kids without all those yucky side effects, too. Love you!! xoxo

  2. AMAZING WOMEN! I read your blogs and start singing " I Am Women". You are such an inspirational person and there is a message for everyone in what you are sending out into the universe. Bonnie

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Shelly. . . You have always been a fantastic mom and more so now than ever. I'm amazed at how you have managed to keep up with your busy life and keep things as normal as possible. . . so great for your kids but it must take a huge dose of determination. Thanks for the fun and happiness you and your little family have added to my life.

  4. soooo glad to hear good news. i sometimes forget to check this but i think about you all the time!! please let me know if you need any help with anything--dogsitting? since i live so close. xo robbin
