Thursday, May 29, 2014


Hi all, I have been recovering in the hospital for the last day or so.  Actually, I've been in the surgical ICU since almost immediately after my procedure.  It's not because of any complications, unless you consider a very full hospital complicated!  A room hasn't opened for me on the specialized wing yet, and while I am anxious to get into a "normal" room, the care I have received in ICU has been fantastic. The nurse to patient ratio here is 1:2, so I have gotten pretty much constant attention.  This has been helpful because Dr. Chevray said if the flaps do not take, it almost always happens in the first 24 hours. We have cleared that time period and then some, so I feel great about that.  Plus I have a self-administered drip of pain medication and I am staying on top of that! I haven't had a ton of pain, but I am pretty sore. I got out of bed and walked to a chair yesterday, which was a big milestone.

I'm so happy with the surgery results so far.  Everything looks great and there's hardly any bruising. Amazing. So far I've had some great family visitors here and I know a few of you have plans to come to Houston (or be here anyway). Please text and let me know if and when you're coming and I will get the room # to you. 

Thank you to each of you for the prayers, the support and the love.  It has made an enormous difference in all aspects of my treatment and brought me so much comfort on Tuesday morning.


  1. One big big big step closer to a full recovery!!! You are so surrounded by love. One reaps what one sows lovely lady.

  2. Shelly that is great news that you are out and doing so well. Prayers continue for you and I send my love, you have been a real trouper through all of this and we are all amazed at your strength of spirit. Take care and continue to heal you are on the downhill slope now and God has you wrapped tightly in His arms protecting you.

  3. Shelly, so glad to hear the procedure went well and recovery is underway. You have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. As Glen says "Shelly is one strong woman!" :) Natasha

  4. Shelly- I'm thrilled to hear that it's going well! Sending my best wishes xoxo.

  5. Great news for you that the procedure went well! You will gain strength each day. I will continue to pray for you as you recover. I pray that your strength will be renewed and there will be no complications as you recover. You are a strong, beautiful woman who has the power to continue to fight!!

  6. hi shelly----glad you are well enough to post yourself! press the button as much as you want! sooo glad it went so well. xo robbin and barney sends a lick.

  7. Love you, Shel!!! So great to hear directly from you! xo

  8. YEA!!!! SO happy a lll is going well and know we are thinking and praying for you and your family!!!

    Shannon O

  9. Put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walkin out that door. I knew the icu would be great. Best nurses in the hospital. Right after the er nurses. Can't forget my peeps. Love you!
