Sunday, June 1, 2014


I am officially out of the hospital! I was discharged yesterday midday and have been relaxing and resting at my in- laws home ever since. I'm not sure I can convey how happy I am to have the surgery and hospital stay behind me, to be healing so well, and to be back in the recuperation sanctuary that my family has set up for me. Life is so good!

Backing up a little bit....I ended up spending the first two nights after surgery in ICU, which was actually great. I had preconceived notions about what an ICU would be like, but the surgical ICU at Methodist was wonderful. I had a very nice private room and excellent nurses. While there, they helped me out of bed to sit in a chair the first day post-op, then I walked two laps around the wing the second day post-op. In ICU, they checked my surgical area every hour to make sure the tissue transfer was okay. I got lots of comments on how well the surgery went and that my result was truly excellent. Then on Thursday, I transferred to another private room on a floor where the nurses were specially trained to care for DIEP patients. Again, a nice facility and excellent care. Methodist really was a great overall experience. The nurses were even more adamant about how amazingly well my healing process was coming along. I have no bruising to speak of on my chest or abdomen, and this is apparently very atypical. Additionally, I transitioned from the pain pump meds as soon as I moved floors. Now, I'm down to one pain pill every four hours. It's all been very manageable!

I was --and continue to be--thrilled that everything is going so very well!

In the hospital, I had lots of wonderful visitors. Lissa surprised me the night after my surgery. Then David, my folks and in laws came every day. Christine came by and Lissa visited again too. Ashley and Ryan drove in from Austin, and Catherine came by just as I was leaving. Plus many clergy and chaplains, leading us in some wonderful prayer, and even a hospital administrator who is a friend of my mother in law's friend, I think (I was a little hazy). I left her card out in my side table, just in case! But everyone was so great and everything went so smoothly, I obviously didn't need to call in the big guns. I appreciated all of the support , though.

I didn't get very many hospital pics. Probably mainly because even though I am doing really well and healing quickly, I still don't look great. Puffy from all the meds, several days without a shower, no wig or scarf .... Here is one of me and Ash, but please remember I'm not looking so great!

So yesterday, my plastic surgeon removed two drains. I still have five, but anytime drains come out, it will be a happy occasion. They are pretty annoying and yucky. I also was able to shower for the first time-- woohoo! 

Once I got home, I immediately settled into my chair, ate lunch and took a nap.

Then the kids came home from a wonderful couple of days with the cousins and I finally got to see them!! We did some elbow hugs, since I can't give regular hugs for a little while. Weston learned all this at Wonders and Worries, and was happy to share with us. I was the happiest mom in the world yesterday. I sure missed my kids these past days! 

I am so much more comfortable and relaxed here. My chair is so cozy with all the soft sheets, blankets and pillows. It's a lot easier to use than a hospital bed too, because it lifts me up to my feet. It's really a great set up for sleeping and resting, which are the top items on my agenda.

While I was in the hospital, the kids had a jam packed schedule of fun! They visited Mary Blake's talent show, the aquarium and the zoo. Plus, they painted pottery.

They have spent two nights with their cousins, so they're pretty much as happy as can be. Thank you to David, Gigi & Poppy, Christine & Blake and Granny Pat for making these fun outings possible.

Unfortunately, both of my parents are stuck in their hotel with a bad case of bronchitis. It has really knocked them down and I feel awful that they are both so sick right now. They did go to urgent care yesterday and got medicine, so hopefully they'll be feeling better soon.

Otherwise, I plan on resting and napping today, and maybe a short walk outside. I will also continue binge-watching House of Cards! After HoC, I'm planning to watch Scandal and Damages. Maybe Silicon Valley. Please pass along any other shows I should add to my queue! 

And finally, thank you for all of your continued prayers. They have made a huge difference in how I've approached the surgery, how I've healed and my overall spirits. Your prayers, love and support have lifted me up and kept me going. Thank you for helping me so very much. Xxoo


  1. Amazing woman. Amazing God. Read to Glenn before church and will add a lot
    more praise and thanks for your recovery. We are so very happy for you and your family and you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Rest and heal with your fantastic family. Bonnie and Glenn

  2. Wow, this is such a great report! So happy to hear things have gone and continue to go so smoothly. xoxo

  3. Such great news! So glad to hear you are doing so well. Much love coming your way!

  4. We are so happy and extremely relieved to hear that your recovery is coming along so well. Keep up the good work! I couldn't help but thinking, after noticing how beautiful you look in the hospital picture above (even though you say you weren't feeling it), that this has got to be the best time in the world to not have to worry about hair!!! Can you imagine? These guys we are married to have it so easy! haha! Thinking of you tons. Love and miss you guys!

    Leigh Ann and Jarrett

  5. YAY!!! We are so happy to hear you are out of the Hospital and reunited with your family. You are an amazingly strong woman and I would never expect anything less from you. Keep up the fight and we look forward to seeing you back home soon. We love you guys!!!

  6. Awesome!!! Hugs and kisses, proud of you.
    The SC Bains

  7. good health is the best birthday present! you're on your way. next year's birthday celebration will be a blowout! have a great day. xo robbin and barney sends a lick.

    1. Amen to that! Happy, Happy Birthday, Shelly! We love you! xoxo

  8. You look beautiful - it's actually a little annoying ;) If you're not into Game of Thrones, I am just now on Season 3. Make sure the kids are out of earshot and sight! But it is goooood. Loved House of Cards -- we'll have a binge watching party when the next episode comes out - remember our pearls and Manolos Sex and the City finale??? Some fun to look forward to in the next healing months. Oh - Network was good too!
