Saturday, June 7, 2014

Reminders of home

I'm laying pretty low in Houston right now. More on that in a future post, because right now my heart is at home....even if I'm not there!

The kids had their final swim meet of the season, and look who handily shaved 25 seconds (!!!) off his freestyle time to win his heat!

I love my father-in-law's email description of Weston's freestyle triumph:

"Intrepid and focused, he stood at pool's edge ready for the coach to launch him. He plunged in without reserve and simply plowed ahead, never being in any position except first. He hit the wall about five yards ahead of the second man, and then turned to observe the lanes littered with those who fell victim to his Super Hero inspiration guiding his every stroke and kick.

He earned a First Place ribbon for that exceptional effort, and deserved it."

love the play-by-play description accompanying the pictures, and I'm thrilled for our little guy's progress!

Another welcome reminder of home came today with a visit with my dear friend Monique! We chatted about everything going on and life in general. She kept me company in the hotel room while my parents ran errands, and I swear time flew by. It was so nice to see friends!

The rest of M's family cane by for a short visit on their way out of town. Nico took a pic of M, me & Neal;

And I got a pick with sweet Nico too!

Thank you, Mehta family, for a great morning! 

I'm definitely homesick but we are enjoying Houston. We've been eating lots of good lunches at all sorts of restaurants and have been on short shopping outings, in addition to doctor visits. Tomorrow we plan to venture to a small park near our hotel for a short walk and maybe we will make it to a movie. So we are keeping somewhat busy, in between naps!  Hope you're all having a good start to summer.


  1. Love Lorne's description of Weston's win!

  2. Way to go, Weston! So impressed!
    It was great seeing you, as always. The time really did fly by!
    So glad you're healing so well - and you continue to look fabulous and stay in great spirits.
    We love you! See you soon! xoxo

    1. THAT'S A HOTEL???? it appears bigger than my apartment. :-) xo
