Sunday, July 27, 2014

Trucking along

The past two weeks have sped along.  I am getting into a predictable treatment schedule, leaving Austin midday on Monday, having treatments in Houston throughout the week, culminating in an early treatment on Friday so I can hightail it home.  Then soaking up my time with my family when I'm in Austin, filling up my cup with the funny things the kids say, the way their hair smells after their bath, kisses from the kids and dogs, my wonderful bed. Then: repeat.

It's funny because it feels like a very comfortable routine now, but then I think about it, and I've been keeping busy and doing new things, both in Houston and Austin.

Still eating my way through the Bayou City.  I've been to fabulous dinners with my in-laws, and in the picture below from two weeks ago, my new Cailfornia friend Andrea (also coming in weekly for treatment), my aunt Melissa and my mom.

I haven't taken many pictures at all.  But on top of the meals, I've also had the chance to meet with Allison, a survivor who lives in Oregon.  She has been a huge support since my diagnosis, emailing, mailing letters, commenting on the blog.  Her strength, faith and service to others are inspiring.  What a treat to meet her in person!  I might be able to drop in some photos of our visit soon.

The kids and I mainly lay low on my weekends home.  I miss them so when I'm gone, and Monday nights are always the hardest as I'm gearing up for the week away.  We did go to church this weekend, and Reese had a chance to play with some friends.  Kate keeps them occupied and happy during the weeks, so I don't worry about what they are doing, I just miss being around them.

I've also made a point to get some exercise.  I am experiencing some of the common radiation side effects: fatigue, especially in the afternoons.  Redness and minor skin irritation where I am receiving the radiation.  None of it has been overwhelming and I feel pretty darn good for having five weeks of radiation under my belt!  But exercise is always a good option, so I've walked in Memorial Park, around Rice University, and at my parents' ranch. In Houston, I went to a ballroom dancing lesson with Andrea--she's a competitive dancer!  It was definitely a different and fun experience.  In Austin, I've been to Pure Barre and Zumba classes.  It's all felt great.  What a relief to move normally again, two months after major surgery.

Yesterday, I returned to the gym for Zumba and to take the kids swimming.  I had not darkened the door there since before my diagnosis in early January. So it was a milestone of sorts for me, and I'm glad to have cleared that mental and physical hurdle.  Plus it's always fun to sport the "Victorian swimsuit" look in public!

I anticipate a "quick week," as my family's (minus David, who is busy working in Chicago this month) coming down for two nights at the end of the week.  Then next week is the LAST WEEK OF TREATMENT!  Hopefully, things will continue in the positive vein they have been going and my final leg of the cancer treatment triathlon will be complete!  Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. How fabulous you look! The Victorian suit looks great on you. :) Thrilled to hear the weeks are flying by - you're almost there! Keep trucking on, my friend. We are so ready to celebrate with you when you hit this last milestone! Love you!

  2. Wahoo - second to last treatment!! That's amazing! xoxo

  3. WOW! How amazing you are and beautiful you are. You have traveled this horrible and hard road with such grace and I am honored that you have shared it.

  4. Love your strength and energy! Can't way to walk with Team Shelly in NOV!

    XOXO - Shannon O
