Thursday, July 10, 2014

Weeks 2 & 3

Things are moving along smoothly, both in Houston as my radiation treatments progress and in Austin on the home front.

The kids are having a ball with the amazing young woman we hired as a nanny for the summer, Kate.  I will get a picture of the kids with her soon, but she is full of fun activity ideas, entertaining outings, and even baking!  Check out the cute flip-flop cake she and Reese made last week!

We had a great 4th of July visit to the farm with some dear friends.  Of course I didn't take pictures because I am constantly forgetting to document what is happening!  I am very spoiled and used to having Lorne's fantastic photographs to use. I'm always realizing too late that I've neglected to take pictures.  Sigh....

This week, both kiddos attended camp at KidVentures and had a wonderful time. Here are a few shots they sent me of Weston.  I will add pics of Reese when I get them.

The kids are doing great, loving spending their days with Kate and family visitors, and David is having  all sorts of fun daddy time with them at night.  I think there have been bike riding outings, burgers for dinner and possibly even skipped baths.  As it should be in the summer!

I have been in Houston completing weeks 2 and 3 of radiation (well, more treatment to go this week). Before I left Austin earlier this week, I squeezed in a walk on the hike and bike trail.  I pulled into my parking spot and looked up at the column in front of my car to see this. I felt like it was a good sign and a nice way to start the week! 

On Monday, I made it in for my treatment and a follow up with my plastic surgeon.  It marked the six-week post-surgery point.  Let me tell you, I am THRILLED to be six weeks out from surgery!  Dr. C was very happy with how everything has healed.  He cleared me for pretty much any physical activity and deemed me "fully healed"! Yippee!

My parents joined me on Tuesday. We have had a good week, minus some dental scares that my mom had (root canal averted!).  Besides eating our way through Houston (highlights have been Underbelly, El Meson and Grace's), we also saw the movie "Chef" (highly recommend) and visited the MFAH.  At the museum, we saw Soto's Impenetrable piece.  It's a kinetic installation of 24,000 plastic tubes hanging from the ceiling in a huge space.  You are encouraged to walk through it.  Below, you can see me and dad on the second level in front of the installation, as well as me and mom actually inside the art!  Very cool.

Another highlight of the week was meeting another woman traveling to Houston for radiation treatment. We actually met in the hotel exercise room and got to chatting away about our experiences.  She's getting her radiation at Anderson and commutes back home to LA on the weekends.  She joined our family dinner tonight and it was a wonderful evening.  Of course I forgot to snap some pics.  Next time!

I'm gearing up for my 13th treatment tomorrow....then a weekend at home before I start all over again next week.  Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying the summer! Xxoo



  2. Hugs to you and your family! Thanks for the updates as you are always on our mind and always praying you are well.

    Shannon O

  3. Ms are in our daily thoughts and well as David, Reese and Weston.
    So glad to hear your updates and to see your positive spirit...keep it up!! Xoxo

  4. You absolutely are superb!!! So glad Kate is working out so well with the kids! xoxo, Erin
