Thursday, August 7, 2014


As of today, I have officially completed the three major cancer treatments: chemo, surgery and radiation!   I wrapped up my 33rd radiation session, which was #5 of the boost sequence to kill any stray cancer cells that may have transferred as a result of physical contact during surgery.  

I have crossed the finish line on my "treatment triathlon," and can begin easing back into normal life!  But just like a true triathlete, I must continue with training and upkeep exercises. In my case, this will consist of taking monthly Lupron injections and daily Letrozole pills, visiting my doctors and surgeons regularly, and remaining vigilant about my health, diet and exercise included.
I will religiously fill my medication boxes each week and take the necessary and selected medicines and supplements to optimize health.  I will nervously watch and report any and every little symptom, no doubt.  I will take the best possible care of my body. I will maintain my faith and pray for continued best results.  

I've been asked if I will maintain this blog.  The answer is yes, absolutely.  If you have any interest in checking in on how the rest of this journey unfolds, please feel free to keep visiting.  If you were most interested in how I got through the "big three" of treatment, then I will wrap that up in the next few weeks.  I am planning to post a detailed summary of each component, mainly to utilize my memory and document what happened, what helped, what didn't, what to expect, what to avoid, etc.  If I can be helpful to anyone else trudging along this path, I would be thrilled.  Those posts will come up soon. I want to devote a more in-depth post to my day today and the wonderful people that have made it happen. I will also update after appointments (of which there will be many), after events (luncheons, 5Ks, etc), and possibly just to process some of my thoughts and feelings. Whether you continue to visit or not, thank you.  Thank you for reading about my treatment, thank you for praying for me and my family, thank you for your positive words, your questions and your support.

At the beginning of this journey, I felt that I was brave...but also scared and wary.  Understandably.  Now, I know I am brave and strong.  And still a little scared and wary.  Who can tell what the future holds?  But I've learned so much about determination and acquiescence, about prayers and positive thought, about willpower and love. And for now, that is enough. 

That, and the sound of ringing bells!


  1. So WONDERFUL! Congratulations to my intrepid warrior friend. So much Love!

  2. Shelly, I am so grateful for your comments throughout this journey., I have found them to be inspirational. I am also so glad you are through with this challenging triathlon.

  3. Congratulations Shelly on your success on this long and trying road to recovery. Your positive attitude no doubt played in how well your treatment went and know that God has great plans for your future now.

  4. Shelly - beyond brave and strong, you have been truly inspirational throughout! I'm so glad to see you pass this milestone. You are so very loved!!! xoxo

  5. Rejoicing and celebrating with you as you have completed your treatments! Continue to be brave,strong and thrive each day!! Hugs - Allison

  6. Tears in my eyes... you've triumphed! And your determination and positivity taught us all what it means to be brave and strong. I hope you know the love and support you've had all along will remain throughout your very bright future. We love you, Shel!

  7. S. De Berry-CapertonAugust 11, 2014 at 8:02 PM

    Congratulations, Shelly! I'm so happy for you. P.S. Your new hair looks badass, seriously :) And you are! XO

  8. sooooooooo glad you are happy and healthy and cancer free! and what Monique said. xo lots of love. and barney sends a lick.

  9. WHOOHOOOO!!!! Souch great news, we are so happy.
    - The SC Bain Clan
