Sunday, August 3, 2014

Next to last!

Only one more week of radiation! Hip hip hooray!

Last week went mainly well. Radiation was just fine. I'm a little red and itchy where I've been zapped, like a sunburn. I'm a little tired, but nothing like chemo. They finished radiating the overall area of the left breast af neck, and this coming week they will focus radiation on the incisions from my surgery, in case any cancer cellswere  transferred as they removed the tissue. They call this a "boost," and I'm more than happy to have it, honestly. My drain sites were already boosted a few weeks ago. All in all, radiation has gone smoothly and is a treatment for which I'm very grateful.

We continued to eat our way through Houston! I met up with my sorority sister Stephanie and her three precious daughters, Kate, Callie and Maggie. Her girls are well-spoken, thoughtful and friendly...just like their lovely mama! Our lunch was definitely a highlight of my week!

We had many other wonderful meals: including Ouisies with family and El Tiempo with my new friend Andrea and her daughter Shelby. Andrea finished her radiation on Friday and is home in LA, finished with treatments! Congrats to this sweet lady.

I had my first lymphedema scare on Thursday. David so thoughtfully bought a gorgeous new band after my surgery/for my birthday and possibly every other major holiday for the next few years! Any way, it was ready so I gladly picked it up, stacking it on top of my wedding band:

Then I foolishly stacked my engagement ring on and immediately knew I made a mistake. We tried everything but my ginger kept swelling and my surgeon instructed me to go to the jeweler and have it cut off.  We did that and sent on our way, only realizing that my wedding band was getting tighter about an hour after we left, so back we went...


Deutsch & Deutsch were wonderful and treated us so well throughout the whole harrowig process. I'm so grateful they were able to get to the rings off but am also sad that my rings look like this now...

Oh well. I learned to be more careful and also learned I am terrified of lymphedema. Adjustments have to be made along the way and I will chalk this up to a learning experience.

We are en route to start my FINAL WEEK OF TREATMENT! It has a nice ring (pun intended) to it!

As my father in law pointed out, I found a lump 212 days ago. Now, I'm in my final five days of treatment. What a journey it's been!


  1. So happy your journey is nearing its end - you've been such a fighter and true inspiration. Love that you got to see Stephanie and her girls, too! :) Wishing you well this week - can't wait to celebrate this milestone being behind you! xoxo

  2. YEA!!!!!!!!!! Best news I've heard in a LONG time! wonderful!!!!

    Shannon O

  3. Glad to hear the news about your final radiation! Be sure to go see a Lymphodema specialist to talk to about your hand/arm. They can give you lots of great information and show you how to manually massage your arm to get the fluid flowing. Also when flying, I have to wrap my arm and hand to prevent additional swelling. There are arm sleeves that you can wear too. Have a great rest of the week! Hugs - Allison

  4. Yea!!! so glad this is the last of the treatments! Shelly, you are a gifted writer! I just read over all your entries, and am SO impressed! Alan and I would love to come and walk with Team Shelly for the cure in November. We will try hard to make that happen. We would love to see you and your family! I have made other comments on this blog, but am never sure if they actually got posted. Oh, well, just hope you know that you are in our prayers continually-every single day. there is truly power in prayers- especially when so many are being offered up by so many people. We love reading your blog, and we love you! Keep it up girl! You are one amazing lady! Bye for now-with love and hugs,
    Jolene and Alan
