Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Amazing Easter memories

Pull up a chair & stay awhile! This is one heck of a long post....

I hope you all had a blessed and happy Easter with your family and friends. I cannot begin to express what a special Easter week we had, with so many amazing memories!

On Maundy Thursday, Reese was selected as one of two second grade representatives to be honored at the annual washing of the feet in all school chapel. The wonderful Head of the Lower School washed her feet onstage, all while telling her the different things that make her special and unique. This photo is poor quality because I was sitting all the way across the gym. I truly wanted to run over there and stand next to her to listen to what Mrs. Z told her and to take better pictures, but I restrained myself and behaved like the other parents....

But really, what a huge honor for our precious girl. She was on cloud nine and I was forcibly trying not to end up in a puddle of tears!

If you squint and hold your head sideways, maybe you can make out Reese? She's seated in a light blue shirt and dark jacket, just to the right of the flag.

The kids had a four day holiday weekend, so we headed up to DC. We did so much in our short time there! We visited the Air & Space Museum, where Reese posed in front of Amelia Earhart's plane...

...and we saw The Wright Bros. plane...

We goofed around on the mall!

Reese, mom & I headed to an early Easter service at the National Cathedral, which was such a treat.

We also visited the Lincoln Memorial. The kids were thrilled with all of the history, and also because many of these sights are featured in Night at the Museum 2.

On Monday, we were so fortunate to see what David has been working on for several months--the White House Easter Egg Roll! It was a gorgeous day and a wonderful event!

The kids met Spidey. Weston couldn't be bothered to pose, he had too much to say to his hero. He even told him he loved him, to which Spider Man replied that he loved him back!

Team Umizoomi! Mighty math power!

Rolling eggs!

Yes folks, those are actually hardboiled eggs...thousands upon thousands of eggs...

We waited for quite awhile to see POTUS & FLOTUS roll eggs...

And they finally made it out, about 20 feet away from us.

There were all sorts of great activities. The kids dyed eggs, made kites & instruments, and we watched Mrs. Obama give a cooking demo with the cast of Jessie.

It was an amazing experience--can you say bucket list?--and a flawless event--way to go, honey!

We had the best Easter! It was such a great weekend, there were so many moments to stop and realize how truly blessed I am in my life.

And speaking of blessings, we are headed to Houston today for...wait for final chemo tomorrow!!!!!!!!  Post to come soon....xxoo


  1. I've been waiting on pins and needles for your post! :) Love, love, LOVE the pics - what an amazing trip! Way to go, David! So glad you were able to enjoy all this together as a family. And get so close to the Chief peeps!!! Can't wait for tomorrow to be behind you - you've got this!!! love you xoxo

  2. No way!!! How much fun! Stopped in because I mistakenly thought your last (LAST!!!) treatment was yesterday. What a surprise to see pics of you guys just hanging out with POTUS and FLOTUS!!! I mean, you're on the front lawn! So special and congrats to David. Good luck tomorrow! We, of course, will have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Proud of you!!

    Leigh Ann and Jarrett

  3. Love all the pictures! The kids were telling me all about their trip! I love that Weston got to chat with his hero! So sweet. Reese told me she loved all the history. She also said she got to pet one of the presidential pups! How special. Y'all definitely had an Easter to remember! Good luck tomorrow! You're such a fighter! One last round! I know you'll knock it out!
    Love you! ⚓

  4. What a week! And what a huge day today! I've been thinking of you since I woke up today. So glad chemo will be behind you! Take that, cancer!!! xoxo

  5. WOW!!!! Awesome. Hope your last treatment goes well. Thinking of you!

  6. Amazing and beautiful. Congratulations your chemo. is over with today. Our prayers go with you on your journey. Thank you for all you share.
    Glenn and Bonnie
