Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New & dear friends

Well, so far round 3 of Taxol hasn't held many surprises! I felt great the day after the infusion, per usual, but also felt some major fatigue over the weekend--also normal. David and I forgot to administer the Neulasta shot to boost my WBCs on Friday, which we realized Saturday morning. It's not a problem, as we have a 24-72 hour window to get the Neulasta into my system.  However, the bone pain in my legs was delayed by a day, which pretty confirms that the Neulasta plays a big role in these aching legs! Oh well, only one more time to trudge through the aches and pains.

Yesterday, in the midst of a powerful spring cold front, I met up with my two dear new friends, Kathleen and Suzi. The three of us are in this fight together. I have learned so much from these two women and despite the crummy circumstances that brought us in touch, I have truly enjoyed every moment I've spent with each of them. We all have similar diagnoses and treatment plans (especially K & S), so today we braved the weather to have lunch and shop at the new breast cancer boutique at Seton. Believe me, I'm all about retail therapy but shopping for post-surgery garments is a first. It was a great time though, and I am so thankful that these lovely ladies are in my life. It is so nice to compare notes, talk about our experiences and try to make sense of this chapter in our lives. 

Here we are, after lunch-- Kathleen, myself & Suzi:

Aren't they the cutest???

After our shopping trip, we are all proud owners of the "Brobe," a garment that looks promising for post-mastectomy healing and relaxation. I do recommend the Seton boutique for those going through breast cancer in the Austin area. It's a nice facility and though the store is quite small, they do have some useful items. Plus we want to support this community effort!

I also was able to enjoy a massage from the wonderful oncology certified massage therapist I have met yesterday, which seemed to really help my leg pains.  Looks like I am on the downhill slide after my 7th chemo!  Yippee!


  1. All three of you women are simply gorgeous - so glad you have found each other, even if I wish the circumstances under which it happened could've been different. This Brobe sounds interesting! :) Can't wait for you to have the 8th and final chemo behind you! Keep up this brave fight and positivity - you are amazing! Love you dearly.

  2. So glad to hear that you have one more treatment to go! I know there are days when you don't feel good and days that you do. Looks like you have a great support group and are helping and encouraging other women who are walking through this journey of cancer too. You are a shining light!! I am praying for you. Hugs - Allison Hancock

  3. Inspiring! Hugs to you all. Suzi and Kathleen included.
    Xoxo Shannon o
