Friday, April 25, 2014

Secret- surprise pizza party

The final part of our day yesterday--aka the last day of chemo!--involved a "surprise secret pizza party!" We walked into a very festively decorated house and were excitedly greeted by the welcoming committee, which included Reese, Weston, my aunts Janise & Kathy, and cousins Stephanie & Rheannon. It was a great family celebration, where we toasted the closing of the chemo chapter and ate--what else? Pizza!

I was confused why Weston kept calling it a "secret " pizza party and kept telling him it was in fact a "surprise" party. My confusion was cleared up at bedtime, when we read this book, which seems to be his new favorite. I'm guessing one of my aunts got this while we were in Houston, and we've read it no less than five times in the past 24 hours. Like I said, new favorite!

I'd like to extend a huge thank you to Reese, Weston, Janise, Kathy, Stephanie & Rheannon for our secret/surprise pizza party homecoming, and a very big thank you to Kathy & Janise for staying with the kids and keeping them on their schedules the past couple of days. Stephanie has also been regularly coming over to help Reese with her homework, and to brighten up the kids evenings, for which I am also so grateful. Thank you to my sweet family! I love you!


  1. Yay! So fun! So excited for you to be done with this part of your journey and hope and pray for the best in the next part! I love you so much and it is so amazing to read this blog and see your beautiful smile

  2. I always knew you had an amazing family, but WOW - it is so wonderful to read about how everyone has rallied and contributed in their own special way. You sure have one fantastic village!!

  3. Love you too! I have loved every second helping with those kids. I'm glad we could surprise you to celebrate this big milestone! ⚓
