Thursday, April 24, 2014

Out with a bang!

I'm going to approach the blogging tonight with a divide-and-conquer approach.  It might also feel like an avalanche...but I can't help it!  Today marks a huge milestone and I feel like I have so much to share with my teammates!

Beginning with what has developed into a most beautiful new tradition over the course of the past 16 weeks: the pre-chemo night family dinner.  Our families have really worked hard every other week to come up with really fantastic plans to gather everyone for a fun and relaxed evening to soothe nerves and even distract us from the upcoming day.  We have met faithfully the Wednesday night before the Thursday appointments and infusions, sometimes at restaurants and other times at the homes of my in-laws or the W5.  And every single time, there's has been laughter, love and happiness to lift our spirits behind measure.  David and I so appreciate all of the effort and thought that has gone into these evenings--our families have made huge efforts to attend from near and far, to host, to plan wonderful evenings, over and over.

Last night was the grand finale to this tradition, although I know we will gather together again and again throughout this process. But most likely, not with the same regularity. We will miss these dinners, but I am so thankful that we have these wonderful warm memories from this time.

This time, my parents held the dinner at Brennan's. (I'm stealing the collage that my cousin Tessa made because it's a great overview!  Thanks Tessa!)

The evening started off with a HUGE surprise: David was scheduled to arrive at midnight, in time for the morning appointment and last chemo, but not in time for the celebratory night-before dinner.  Of course I was very disappointed he wouldn't be with us, but understood that the White House egg roll doesn't just break down on its own, and also knew it was a real stretch for him to make it in time for the Thursday appointments anyway. So imagine my shock when I glanced at the entrance amd saw my amazing, handsome husband strolling into the restaurant!  What an awesome start to the dinner!  I love you, honey!

We were blessed with a big group of my family and David's family gathered to celebrate. 

My mom, my aunt Melissa, my cousin Tessa (who drove in from Dallas to be there!) and my aunt Becky:

Gigi and my wonderful nieces and nephew, Mary Blake, Bain, and Georgia:

My sister-in-law Christine, David's uncle Blaise, Georgia and Bain:

My parents Pam and Mike, hosts of the fabulous evening:

The gang's all here!  Well, at least the Houston gang!  My father-in-law Lorne kindly and expertly too all of these great photos and sadly is not in them...

Many toasts were made, all thoughtful and moving in their own way....

Raise a glass!

And repeat! It was such a great dinner.  The toasts were meaningful, the food amazing, and the dessert...

Well, Bain helped prepare the infamous Brennan's bananas foster!

With flames!

He did a great job. They were delicious!

I hope this gives a good glimpse of how special these nights have been; so filled with love and laughter, happiness and gratitude, family and sharing.  The negative emotions that could have been--fear, concern, anxiety--were deftly and lovingly replaced with positive ones.  And for that, I am profoundly grateful.  Thank you to our dear families.  We love you tremendously.


  1. Incredible! So glad you have this amazing family with you. xoxo

  2. What an amazing evening and tradition!
