Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ding dong, the chemo's done!

Today! Was! My! Final! Chemo! 


What an awesome day.  I feel like this cancer treatment is structured somewhat like a triathlon.  Since I completed the 2008 Danskin triathlon (please notice how I specified "completed," not "competed in"), I feel especially qualified to make this comparison, she said with obvious irony.  Finishing the chemo segment is akin to stepping out of the water from the swim segment. A huge milestone has been accomplished, a big chunk of the process is behind me, and I am this much closer to crossing the finish line! Goodbye, chemotherapy!

We have all been anticipating this day with much happiness and excitement (please see my previous post and note the happy faces and celebratory mood).

Dad showed up in his team gear!

We packed up and headed to the appointment. 

My oncologist Dr. O is out of the country leading a breast cancer conference in South America, so I met with another doctor at Baylor Clinic.  He told us the medical results we are seeing are very positive, which reinforces what Dr. O has been telling us.  It was a good meeting and interesting to hear a different perspective.

The infusion was the smoothest, easiest one yet.  Many visitors joined me, including my parents.  I didn't get pictures with everyone during the infusion, but you will see the crew further down in the bell-ringing photos (spoiler alert!).

Everyone in the clinic has been so kind, compassionate and extremely competent throughout my treatment.  I have bonded with my two infusion nurses tremendously.  I really love those ladies and appreciate all they have done to make the process as tolerable and relaxing as possible, and sometimes even fun (!).  Genie was on vacation, but I did get a pic with Jan.

And some of the other infusion room ladies, too!

A great sign in the infusion room.

And the opportunity I've been looking forward to since January 16th, the day of my first infusion...the ringing of the bell!  Once you complete your chemotherapy treatment, you can ring the bell in the infusion room.  I have only seen two women ring the bell before today.  Today, another young woman who has been a regular during my Taxol infusions rang it an hour before I did, which was so fun!

Lorne pointed out the truly extraordinary symbolism in this image, the exit/arrow pointing to the bell.  The meaning is not lost on me!

We took two group photos, one with Lorne, me, mom, dad, Tessa, Lissa, Michelle and Becky.

And one with David switching spots with Lorne.

And the actual ringing of the bell....well, I have to admit: it felt amazingly good!

I actually rang it so hard it flipped upside down! Haha!

Oh yeah! 

Farewell, chemo.  It's been an interesting ride, and one for which I am ultimately very thankful.  There have been many ups and downs, but in the end, this hugely powerful medicine has worked tremendously to shrink my tumor and eliminate the cancer from my body.  It won't get rid of all of it, but I truly believe that it was so effective on my breast masses, that it most definitely eliminated any cancer that might have spread to other areas.  And what is left in the left breast tissue?  Well, that's the second and third part of this treatment triathlon!  Next!

Silver linings: being able to share with you the story of a magnificent dinner on Wednesday and an end to chemotherapy on Thursday, both celebrated with family...and now more family and friends near and far who follow this blog!

Having David home again after his 12 days in DC! 

Finding out that the other young woman who rang the bell today is also named Dawn (that's my given name)...a funny coincidence!

The smiles we received when we handed out pink roses to everyone in the office and infusion room.  My mom had the great idea to distribute roses on my last day, which seemed to bring a little joy to everyone who got one.  

Knowing I can go back and say hello to my friends who work in the infusion room after my future appointments with Dr. O....and I can say hello, visit for a few minutes and then leave without having to receive chemo!

We had a final fun surprise when we returned home, but I will blog about that tomorrow when I am feeling more rested. So, goodnight to all of you and good bye to chemo!


  1. Adios, chemo, indeed! So proud of you, Shel. Congrats on this milestone and way to celebrate! xoxo

  2. So glad to see that you finished your last chemo treatment and were able to ring the bell. You have been tough and strong through it all. The prayers from many people have seen you through this part of your journey and we are here for you during the next part as well. I pray that you will get the rest needed in the coming weeks to prepare you for your upcoming surgery and radiation treatments. You are a beautiful and remarkable woman who is an encouragement to so many people. Hugs!!

  3. I love the bell ringing! What a moment! Congratulations - you are such a fighter! xoxo
