Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feeling froggy

This week has been slooooow. Slow because of icky weather, two sick kids, missed school and chemo effects/haze. I could seriously use some more sunshine & warmth and less coughing (from the kids)!

Weston and I took some selfies yesterday. 

Happy selfie!

Serious selfie...

Selfie reflecting how we feel about being sick....

We were having so much fun. Then Weston turned to me and said, "You look more like a frog than a princess." Well then! And again this morning he asked me to put on my wig because my bald head isn't so pretty. I will say that at least you always know where you stand with our son. Ouch!

So Reese and I decided to laugh about it and she took a picture of me holding a very cute pink & purple frog. Hey, if I'm a frog, at least I can pick a colorful, fun frog!

Silver linings today/this week: spending time with the kiddos cuddling and relaxing; meeting up with the Austin group Pink Ribbon Cowgirls today for the first time (local support group for women diagnosed under the age of 45); setting up initial consultations with my surgeons in a few weeks...

Here's to a warmer, brighter weekend...this frog wants to see the sun soon! Xoxo


  1. So sorry the kids were down for the count! But I'm glad you were able to cuddle and snuggle and make the most of it.
    Aw, the things kids will say! :) I'll say this: You continue to look beautiful and radiant and inspire me to see the silver linings in everything. Keep up the fight! Will be looking forward to hearing about your surgery plans, post-consultation. Love you! M

    1. Don't frogs turn into princes (or princesses)? You continue to be dazzlingly beautiful to me!
      Love you,

  2. Ira and I agree with your Mom. You are dazzlingly beautiful and extremely brave.
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us in this candid blog. I believe you are guiding all of us to the silver linings in our lives. Love, Roxanne and Ira

  3. Hoping the kiddos will feel better soon and the sun will start shining! Glad that you are able to snuggle with your children. There is nothing like snuggling with the children. My boys are 13 and 12 and still like to cuddle with me at times which I will always cherish. Praying for rest and strength for you. Hugs! Allison

  4. Love your Mom's comment and that pink scarf-it makes you shine! Big hugs

  5. So glad your second infusion is down and that you have already seen real progress! Your courage, sense of humor and continued zest is inspiring, Aunt Shelly. It's great to see how you and the B4 are putting those pink gloves to work! As always, a steady stream of love and prayers are coming your way from Houston.

  6. Shelly, your inner beauty shines through you no matter what, so continue to enjoy all the fun scarves and these special times with the kids and before you know it this will all be behind you. Our God is an awesome God and he has great plans for your future. Smiles and hugs

  7. You're rocking the scarves - great look! I've heard a lot about the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls from my friend Lauren's experience a few years ago. I know she got so much strength from them! Will connect the two of you soon. Sending love and strength your way. xoxo, Erin

  8. Love the snuggles and hugs. Know you are so strong and so admire you!!!! HUGS to you all.

  9. Pink Ribbon Cowgirls sounds awesome! There really is nothing like connecting with people who know exactly what you are going thru. This week and the weather have sucked and my kids and myself have been healthy! I can't imagine how you fared as well as you did... Remember when I went from blonde to brunette and Major and Blaize wouldn't even speak to me? And the last time I tried out a lighter look Z repeatedly told me how much he hated it. So if Weston doesn't love the bald look and says so, I'm not surprised. That you only look like a frog (who, if you think about it, we all think are pretty cute, ALSO I don't know many little boys that would prefer a princess to a frog!) could really be considered a compliment :) I love you and I love the silver linings diary that you are keeping up with - that in itself is a monster act of courage. I look forward to reading them!! Keep it up, baller ;)

  10. Good evening love, thought about going to Central Market for frog legs to make this weeks round of broth for you but I decided that an organic chicken would be more appetizing. Made a great 5 hour stock today with many much needed vitamins. I'll have it ready for you to take to Houston. Love you mucho, Dad

  11. Thank you for the posting tips. Your grace, strength and humor is inspiring. I love your silver lining observations. Another beautiful weekend just for you :)

    You are awesome!

    xo Viji
