Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Milestone #1

I'm going to jump around chronologically this post because I have to immediately share that yesterday was my FOURTH AND FINAL Adriamycin/Cytoxan infusion! I'm done with red devil!!!! My next four infusions are a type of chemo called Taxol, but more on that at a later date because I'm really wanting to focus on this milestone. It's my first big treatment milestone--done with red devil, halfway through chemo! And Dr. O confirmed that the tumor continues to shrink. It's not a huge difference, but as he tells me, the estrogen receptor positive tumors don't often respond drastically to chemo. I'm just thankful that we are continuing to see shrinkage and positive changes! All of our prayers are working!

I had many infusion room visitors yesterday. David and mom dubbed us "The Bain Train" as we moved all through the doctors office to the infusion room, and the nurses picked up on it. Each time someone new popped in, they'd make a comment about the Bain Train!

I didn't get pics of everyone, so please know that David, my mom Pam and my mother-in-law Michelle were all visitors as well.

My sister-in-law Christine and father-in-law Lorne were great company, as you can see below. I really love all the visits as it makes it so much faster and more fun.

Now stepping back a day. Wednesday was a day filled with so much "new." I met the two surgeons who will work in tandem on my mastectomy and reconstruction in a few months. They gave me all sorts of options to consider, things to think about, and of course, a few new concerns to ponder.  It comes with the territory.  David, Mom and I spent a loooong time in the medical center, meeting with both surgeons and members of their staff, having our questions answered and listening to their explanations of the procedures. The surgeries, especially the DIEP flap reconstruction, are going to be a marathon event.  I will be on the table a very long time and in the hospital several days afterward, but it really sounds like while this is a lot to deal with the few weeks following the surgery, it is by far the best option in the long run.  My surgeries are scheduled for May 27th. More to follow on those in future posts, I can assure you!

Afterwards, we had a wonderful time at La Casa de W5. It sounds like a trendy Houston restaurant! My sister-in-law prepared an amazing Mexican meal, and we had a lovely evening with our Houston team! Blake, Christine, Georgia, Bain and Mary Blake were excellent hosts, and Lorne, Michelle, Blaise and Lissa joined to entertain the Austin contingency. We are getting so spoiled by all these fun and delicious pre-treatment dinners. It really makes our visits so much more fun!

Here's our Houston team displaying the Team Shelly shirts, hot off the press!

My two cuties modeling their shirts too! The fabulous design is courtesy of my dad (we will feature a pic of him in his shirt soon!), and printing was coordinated by dad and my friend Melissa. Thank you!!! I love it!

Jumping to current time (I promised you it would be a chronologically challenging post!), I'm feeling remarkably well so far. Usually Saturday and Sunday are quite a bit harder, so I know I'm not out of the woods, but I've rested, had a good lunch, and even managed a short walk on this beautiful day. This is my nap time view, aka "the bed hogs!"

So I will just wait to see what the weekend holds, but in the meantime, farewell to the red devil! Don't let the door hit you on your way out!


  1. Congratulations!!! The big smiles on everyone in your Team Shelly pictures say it all. I can see that everyone is as happy as I am that you are done with Chapter One and a big step closer to the happy ending of the chemo story.
    I hope this weekend is easier than you expect and you can savor your progress.
    Love you!

  2. I'm so overjoyed that you are finished with that damned Red Devil. Bravo for your courage and strength in getting through those very difficult and challenging treatments ! You are an inspiration to all of us! Good night love.

  3. Hi Shelly!
    We are so happy that you have reached this milestone!! Only 4 more to go!! Your strength, positivity and the love surrounding you will carry through these next steps as well. Just wanted to let you know that you and David are always on our minds. Keep up the fight and know that we are loving you from afar.

    Leigh Ann and Jarrett

    I sometimes have to stop myself from posting because I f

    1. That extra sentence above was an unfinished thought I meant to delete...I sometime have to stop myself from posting because I feel like you might think we are stalking you. I replaced that thought with "you and David are always on our minds." And you are.

      Leigh Ann

  4. Dear Shelly,
    Many thanks for sharing your story. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved and so we hope that by telling your story, you are feeling the positive energies from those who have read your blog. We are all willing you on and sharing in the highs and lows of your journey. The photos of so many smiley faces (and we love Mike's T-shirt design by the way!) are special but so too are your wonderfully crafted words which help to give us such an insight into your battle, your positivity, your fears, your laughter, your love of life and the importance of those nearest and dearest to you. We're so pleased you have sent the Red Devil packing and wish you well in the next step of your treatment. Thinking of you often and sending you all our love. Mark, Ann, Alan, Diane, Rich and all of Team Webber xx

  5. Love, love, love Mike's design (OF COURSE! Is it possible to order some?) and am so happy you've reached this milestone. You continue to amaze and inspire with your strength, bravery, positivity and beauty. Love you!

    1. PS - Totally understand Leigh Ann's unfinished thought, and I feel the same. But I am continuing to stalk you/your blog anyway. :) Y'all are always in our thoughts as well! xoxoxo

  6. Loving all the positive updates and pics! Thinking about you everyday here in South Carolina, hugs and kisses and prayers from all of us.

    Adam, Laura, Melinda, Charlie, Clark, & Kelly Bain.

  7. Fantastic! Glenn and I are so happy to know the devil is gone. You are a major inspiration to all in our family and very much in our thoughts and prayers. Your positive attitude is such a lesson and we read your blogs and yell cheers. Love the pictures of all your beautiful family and dogs. Bonnie

  8. YEA!!!! No more red devil!
    You always inspire and put little AND big things in perspective. Thank you for sharing and know that we all love you and hope only the best through this journey. Your attitude continues to amaze and impress! Where can we get the fabulous T-shirts?!

    XOXO- Shannon O

  9. Lesley MargerrisonMarch 5, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    Great milestone to have reached Shelly- so pleased you can see the back of that red devil. Wonderful to see Reese and Weston in Sunday school this past Sunday - we miss you in the classroom. In our prayers always - Lesley

  10. i love hearing good news. you continue to rock! xoxo robbin and barney sends a lick. a smelly one. his teeth are getting cleaned in 2 weeks.

  11. I am so happy to hear that the "Red Devil" is history. Your strength and courage throughout this battle has been amazing. Of course, I would expect nothing less of you. Your support team is as equally amazing. I want you to know that I too am on that team. Our prayers are with you and your family daily.

    I have a question/request... How can I get a Team Shelly t-shirt? I have had a tradition of wearing only Burnt Orange (Hook'em) on Fridays for the last nine years. I would like to propose that Thursdays are Team Shelly day. I understand that everyday is a day in which you battle this disease, but Thursdays are the day that I think of you the most. When I know that you are in Houston receiving your treatments and you need our prayers more than ever. If I can have a shirt, I will wear that shirt every Thursday until "we" as a team defeat this disease. I wear XL.:)

    Have a wonderful vacation and I look forward to seeing you soon.

  12. Love the Team Shelly shirts! Great job Mike and Melissa! Would definitely love to get some and have the Kitchens represent Team Shelly! xoxo

    PS - I'm a blog stalker, too. :)
