Sunday, February 2, 2014

By request...

Hello from the land of "chemo fog" brain and extreme fatigue…, my side effects did not come as hard the first night this time, thankfully.  But yesterday I was definitely still feeling the nausea and general icky-ness, so I believe it was more along the lines of a "typical" timeline for feeling everything. Today, my appetite is better but I am still so very exhausted and really out of it.  As soon as I lie down on the bed, it feels like I completely sink into the mattress.  Before I know it, I have been out for an hour. Again, I will always listen to my body for cues, so many naps seem to be in my future.

Many of you have emailed and mentioned that you are having difficulties posting comments on the blog.  Please know that you are not alone!  I am going to post step-by-step instructions written by my eloquent father in law, Lorne.  Hopefully these will help everyone figure it out--I love reading everyone's comments!  It brightens my day.

Without delay, here are Lorne's tips:

This is simple, don’t be intimidated, and post a comment knowing Shelly and David, their families and friends, and other readers will be encouraged by the support and love being poured out during Shelly’s treatment period! Think of it as Internet-assisted hot chicken soup for the soul.

At the bottom of each of the postings by Shelly it will state “Posted by Shelly at (the time)—(X#) comments…”

1.  Click on “(X#) comments…”  See 2.

2. A box (rectangle actually) will appear with the note “Enter your comment…”  Enter your text. Then:
Ø  Click on the downward pointing triangle (this allows you to tell the blog master how you will be identified)
Ø  Click on either “Name/URL” or “Anonymous”
o   For “Name/URL” type in your name or initials or nickname, etc. and IGNORE the URL entry
o   For “Anonymous” no name will be included and readers will not know who you are (of course, if your message includes names in the text or the salutation, then the cat is out of the cellophane bag as to the poster’s identity)
Ø  Click “Continue” to allow the next step. See 3.

3. The box with your message and the form of identification (Name you inserted or Anonymous) will appear
Ø  Below the message/identification there will be two choices
o   “Publish” being clicked on will send the message to the blog with no further action, and you are finished!
o   “Preview” being clicked allows cautious posters the opportunity to see exactly what will appear on the blog when you “Publish” the comment.
§  After reviewing the comment and making the edits you wish, you then enter the security proof per the words/letters/garble supplied by the blog master.
§  Insert the security proof
§  Then click on “Publish” and you are finished

[NOTE: if you are having trouble following these instructions and need assistance, call any middle or high school age child or grandchildren and they will do it for you.]


  1. LOL! Love the "Note" at the bottom. :)

  2. Shelly - keep up the great attitude and posts. Glad you are listening to your body and taking care of you. All the best, Rebecca Aills

  3. Yay! Thanks for the instructions. I have been too intimidated to even try. Shelly I've been thinking about you guys every day. You are so brave and strong. I hope you are enjoying the naps. It's a nice little silver lining. Emily

  4. Yay! I did it! Thinking of you always!!

  5. Thinking about you all today from NYC!

  6. My son, Major Oswald, is always happy to help and offers his services as live technical support to any and all, any day after 4pm. As a 14 year old punk at Shel's jr high alma mater, he is at the critical generational juncture for technical facility :), 512-917-2091

  7. Finally! I think I figured out the problem with the commenting. It doesn't work in Google Chrome or Safari without changing some of the preferences in those applications.

  8. Shelly, I'm so happy to have found your blog so I can keep up with how you're doing. Know that I am thinking of you each day, as so many others are. You've got a huge crowd in your corner! XO Leah Alberti

  9. Shelly, you are so beautiful and strong and have such an amazing attitude! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Please let me help with the kids when you need it!
