Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lookin' good...

...and feeling better! I've received many concerned emails, calls, texts and visits and want to assure everyone that I am okay! There are certainly ups and downs along the way, and I'm learning to develop a slightly thicker skin, but it's really just part of the journey. Thank you to all my concerned family and friends.

Suzi and I attended a class offered by The American Cancer Society that is part of their Look Good, Feel Better campaign. Let me tell you, this is a very simple but powerful concept: get up, get dressed, put on some make up and a wig or a scarf, and you can't help but feel better. Honestly, this is a universal truth, cancer or not. Who doesn't feel better and more confident when they are put together and look great? I recommend this class for anyone who is recently diagnosed with cancer. First of all, we got a top notch goodie bag, filled with all sorts of lovely cosmetics. Check out my haul! I'm especially excited about some of the Clarins skin products and the OPI polish, but really, it's all great.

Then we proceeded to receive make up--and treatment--guidance from our instructor, a cosmetologist and breast cancer survivor. She gave us great tips, some good leads on useful products, and also inspired us with her amazingly gorgeous hair! She also terrified me with her accounts of the Taxol and radiation nightmares she endured, but that seems to be part of it. Everyone's story is different and there's no telling how I will react to something in comparison with anyone else...but I have to admit, the more I hear about the sometimes excruciating bone pain that can result from Taxol, the more worried I am.

There were five of us, and it was actually quite fun to talk with everyone and hear where people were in their treatment process. Plus it's fun to hang out with my new fighter friend Suzi! Here we are, looking good and feeling better!

We have a very relaxed weekend ahead with few plans in place, which is nice. I'm excited to just hang out with David and the kids, and maybe carve out some time for a nap! Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.


  1. Hi Shelly, I have been inspired by a beautiful woman named Babe Roberts. She chose the name herself preferring it to her given name of Violet. She NEVER left the house without lipstick and a scarf. Even when she was convalescing and in a wheelchair she had on her Chanel! She lived to the wonderful age of 102!

  2. You still are truly inspiring! YEA that they had this class!

  3. Suzi sounds like an awesome friend and I'm so glad God put her in your life to travel down this road together. You are so inspiring and I love those beautiful smiles on your two faces. Enjoy the makeup you deserve some fun girl time.

  4. Glad that you and your new friend went together. I agree that you have to get up and get dressed and put on a little makeup. You will feel so much better. You look beautiful and I am praying for you. Take each day one step at a time. Your body will continue to go through alot but remember that the medicine is killing all those nasty cancer cells. The Lord will give you His strength and comfort each step of the way. Hugs ~ Allison

  5. Shel:
    As someone who sees you every day, I can tell you "the look" that I see. I see the look of a champion, a winner, a beauty. I have long heard that at some point your children will surpass you in wisdom, strength, ability. For you and me that time has come. I am in awe of you, my daughter, my beautiful daughter.
    Love, Mom

  6. Shel - this post reminded me of that silly song, "you're never fully dressed without your smile!" :) You always seem to have that very important accessory, which is inspiring. Your strength and attitude shine through and make you even more beautiful than ever!

  7. You and your fighter friend look great! Your open heart is beautiful and it is inspiring to witness your faith and willingness to embrace the process with thankfulness and joy.

  8. Thinking of you. You are doing great and getting through it. We are here for you. Big hugs

  9. I loved seeing you in morning carpool! It made my day!


  10. Hi, Shelly,my name is Lorelei and I'm a friend of your mother-in-law, Michelle. She is very concerned about you and I wanted to share my experience with you. I was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2010. I was treated at MDA---surgery, chemo, breathing therapy and continued follow-up. Today I am clear and good as new. I'm so glad you have a team of supporters. Recovery would have been sooo hard without my friends. My husband wasn't really much help. Seeing him worrying about me made me sad, but my friends could make me laugh. One in particular who was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks before I received my diagnoses became my cancer buddie. It helped to have someone who was going through the same thing and understood the fear, lethargy, nausea and other trials we were induring. There were others who sat with me, brought food, flowers and small gifts to lift my spirits, who prayed for me and complimented me when I wore wigs and scarves to cover my bald head. I think we are so lucky to be women who have the support of other women. I'm cheering for you and praying for your complete recovery.
