Thursday, January 30, 2014

Two down

We are home safe and sound after round 2 of adriamycin/cytoxan. Not only home, in pajamas and in bed. Dr. O was quite surprised at how quickly the side effects hit me last time--24-36 hours is the norm, not 3-4! But I was also nervous about the process & coming off a minor surgery the day before for my first infusion. The fact of the matter is: I'm not taking chances and have made myself comfortable in anticipation of however it works this time!

But--it doesn't really matter what the effects are because this stuff works--my large tumor shrunk a third in size after just one round of AC! WOOHOO!!!!

We had another lovely pre-treatment dinner last night with family and I forgot to get a picture! We have really enjoyed all the fun and delicious dinners before all of the appointments and treatments...Indian, Japanese, Mexican &'s been a very fun global experience, and really helps as a fun distraction before a day of chemo.

Mom came with us this trip. She was great company in the infusion room. It's always nice to have your mom there to take care of you, even when you're 38! My parents have been a huge support on the Austin end of things, so I was thankful that my mom was able to meet my oncologist and generally be a part of the "action" today (because sitting in a chair for four hours is so action packed! Ha!)

My sweet inlaws Lorne & Michelle also made for great company during my treatment today. And of course David! The nurses were quite impressed with my constantly rotating parade of visitors. It was crowded in the infusion room today, and I was one of the only people with visitors, and most certainly the only one with four visitors! It makes the time go by more quickly and much more enjoyably when I have such great family there.

So sweet friends and family, I'm halfway through the highly effective "red devil" part of the chemo, which is great news! I'll check in tomorrow or the next day with another update. Xxoo


  1. Great day, Shelly and David. Great report. Love, MMB

  2. Awesome news that the red devil is working so well so quickly. That cancer knows it doesn't stand a chance against all our prayers. Take it easy and let the treatments do their trick. hugs

  3. What fantastic news! I'm so happy about your positive results. You are doing things right and you obviously have the right doctor. It's wonderful that you had so many supporters during the treatment, too. Way to go Team Shelly!
    Love from Becky
    PS You and your mom look beautiful in that picture!

  4. Fantastic. Obviously nothing can beat you. Beautiful lady with or without hair and such a great smile. You are becoming a hero to a lot of people.
    Bonnie and Glenn

  5. Great news to hear that the tumor is shrinking! We will continue to pray you through this journey that you are on. You have great support from your family and friends. I am sure your mom was glad that she was able to be there with you - we are never too old to have our moms by our side. As a breast cancer survivor I would have loved my mom to be there with me but she had passed away a year before. My best friend Lesa works for your father-in-law and your precious mother-in-law shared with her about your journey and passed on your information to me. I have been in contact with Michelle and she is very caring and loves you dearly. I will continue to pray for you for the Lord to give you His peace during this time and strength for each day.
    Allison Hancock

  6. Yay for shrinking tumors!!!! Go Team Shelly!

  7. That is so awesome that it is already shrinking, you definitely doing everything right with The Lord and so many others by your side.

  8. That's awesome about the tumor size! WOOHOO! And so glad Pam could be there this go-round. Hoping you're resting and feeling okay! xoxo

  9. Great news, and your strength and attitude is an extraordinary example for all of us; keep going, winning is the goal. Merka

  10. SO glad to hear you are comfy in jam jams! Even better news that the tumor is shrinking!!!!! Hugs to you and your fam.

  11. Such great news that the tumor shrunk that fast Shelly! Hooray!! We love you and are praying for you each and every day! xoxoxo Brittany

  12. Half way thru the evil part - YAYYYYYY! You are rocking this and kicking ass. I'm so so so happy to hear about the tumor shrinking, monster sigh of relief here. I don't know if you feel it, but you're a great writer and so honest in your blog posts, that I, and I'm sure others, feel we are living this along with you and holding our collective breath with thousands of butterflies all flying in our tummies in support of you. So great news like that is so appreciated! But don't spare us the difficulty or the sad -- your humanity is inspiring and breathtaking. I know you've done a lot of yoga (sometimes with me over the years!) and I heard for the first time the other day what "Namaste" really means. "All of the love and light in me honors the love and light in you." xoxoxoxo

  13. Shel, great news! We are so proud of you guys. I have forwarded your blog on to some of my familiy and they have greatly enjoyed following your updates. Brandi and I are excited to bring you guys a scrumptious and healthy dinner this weekend, plus homemade mac n cheese for the kids.
