Thursday, January 9, 2014

Plan of attack!

Today we had our first post-biopsy appointment with my oncologist in Houston.  Dr. O reviewed the results with us, which confirmed the presence of cancer in both the tumor area and the lymph node.  Tests found that my cancer is ER+, PR+ and most likely HER2 negative, although they are re-testing the HER2 result as it wasn't completely clear.  If HER2 does in fact return negative as they suspect, we will proceed to round one of chemo, beginning next week.  First, I will have a port surgically installed to receive the treatments.  The next day I will have my first round of AC (adriamycin/cytoxan) chemo, which is the type with the stronger side effects.  I will have this treatment for 8 weeks, and immediately follow it with an 8 week round of Taxol chemo (with different and less intense side effects), for a total of 16 weeks of chemo.  After the four months of chemo, I will go in for the mastectomy, then possibly radiation.  However, I am trying to focus on things week by week at this time, which is hard for someone who likes to plan everything out months in advance.  But it does give me some comfort to have a plan in place and to know what to expect next!

I cannot tell you how overwhelmed David and I have been by the outpouring of prayers, love and support.  We appreciate it beyond words!  My goal is to post here every week or two with updates for the family and friends who are interested in following my journey as I beat this cancer!  Please feel free to check in any time.  xoxo, Shelly

Update: here is some more info in Q&A format--thank you for the great questions!

- Are you getting all your treatments in Houston?If so, will you be coming home in between?
I'm definitely getting the first two rounds of AC chemo at Dr. O's office in Houston.  After that, I might opt to get them here, or a combination of the two.  Each infusion lasts about 4 hours, with a follow up shot 24 hours but David says he can administer it.  I will definitely be back in Austin in between treatments.
- How long does a round of chemo last?
The actual sitting in the chair getting the infusion part is 4 hours.  The first round of dense dose chemo (I think I'm recalling that correctly) is 8 weeks, with an infusion every other week (total 4 infusions) Taxol is also 8 weeks, infusion every other week.
- If you have side effects, did they estimate when you're likely to feel them?
Apparently the intensity and extent of side effects can vary pretty widely from person to person.  They say most people experience side effects 2-4 days after the infusion.  There's also often and cumulative effect where you feel the effects more strongly and longer with each infusion. Yippee!
- Are there some medications to help with said side effects?
Yes definitely.  There are great meds for nausea, and they can actually give the infusion every other week because the injection D will give me afterwards to boost white blood cell count.
- If the HER2 is + not -, does that change the protocol?
Yes.  I will still have the port installed but will go through a course of different type of infusion prior to beginning chemo.  Basically, the chemo will get pushed back but we will start next week regardless.


  1. Go Team Shelly! We love you! xoxo

  2. So happy you have created this blog. Really great information. I love you!

  3. you got this!! go team shelly!!
