Monday, January 27, 2014

Time for a new look!

So this was a big milestone to pass.  And a pretty scary one too, but we decided to take a little bit of control (which is not always an option when cancer is involved) and do it on our terms.  Yesterday afternoon, David shaved my head preemptively.  No, my hair had not started to fall out just yet.  That will probably be Wednesday or Thursday of this week.  The more I thought about having to deal with clumps of hair coming out, the more I knew that would not resonate well with me.  I will be honest--shaving my head wasn't exactly what I wanted to do, but it really did seem the better option for me personally.  Plus, David and I talked about it and decided it would be best for this to be fun!  So at more or less the last minute and with the help of my sweet friend Ashley and our wonderful families, we threw a little party….I think every single person there agreed it was their first "Head Shaving Party"--hey, there's a first for everything, right?

Reese's sign greeted everyone.

Me, pre-shave, with my father-in-law Lorne (official family photographer), my aunt Janise and cousin Stephanie.

David beginning the process!  Shannon and Reese have a front row seat.  
I am the luckiest woman around, and I realize this.  David trimming and shaving my hair was about the clearest and loudest act of love I could think of.  I can assure you that we are both in this for better or worse!

And he did a great job!  You might have guessed he has had some practice with this particular hairstyle!

What is the saying about the longer couples are together, the more they look like one another?

Posing with David and my mom Pam.

My dad Mike and grandmother Margaret jumped in as well.

A great pic of all of my family that was able to attend the party.  I love you all!

And my wonderful, smart, funny, beautiful friends.  I love you too!  These two pics (family and friends) are a great representation of a big part of Team Shelly!

With Cathleen, Monique, Ashley and my daughter Reese in a pink wig.

Thank you, Ashley, for coordinating food, drinks, and everything for the party!

Trying to figure out the wig.  Still working on this….you have to really know how to adjust and style them…hopefully this talent will come to me….

Otherwise I will just have to wear one of my many cute hats!

And so my hair is gone.  Understandably, this is a scary part of the process for many women.  While it's temporary, it is a hit to your vanity and self image, and makes you feel exposed and vulnerable in some ways.  But I could not be more pleased with the way the evening went last night.  I am so thankful to have such amazing family and friends who are the very best support network!  I am also thankful that I no longer have to dread the hair loss and now I can check that one off the list! It really is a relief in many ways.

I will sign off with some positives that come to mind:

Silver lining: not having to spend $$$ at the salon getting my color and cut done for the next several months! But I will miss going there to see my friends.

Major blessing: amazing family and friends supporting me constantly, which was evident at the BEST HEAD SHAVING PARTY EVER!!!!


  1. Beautiful & Brave Shelly!! XOXOX

  2. You are seriously gorgeous. Who knew that you could rock a shaved head?! What a fun time. Thank you for having us there - I loved seeing your radiant positive personality and bravery shine right on through this next milestone. David may have a few more women asking him for a trim in the future, too. ;-) Love you!
    Great party, Ash! xoxo

  3. You have the most beautiful bald head! I am constantly blown away by your bravery. You're taking cancer by the horns and showing it who's boss! Thank you for including me in your party. It was amazing to see how large and strong Team Shelly is!
    Love you ⚓

  4. What Monique said!!!!!
    Your grace is admirable Shelly!
    XOXO- Shannon

  5. Wow! You really rock that look! I am just catching up on your blog. Looks like a fun party (amazingly enough). David did a fantastic job on your hair. I also loved seeing you in the gown at the gala. What a beautiful dress! You are one busy girl. Love you, Lissa.

  6. You. Are. Amazing. That's all. xoxox

  7. you continue to amaze me shelly---- such a brave, positive and beautiful person!! your friends and family will be with you the whole way through! love you so much!

  8. Shelly you are truly an amazing person and an inspiration to all of us around you. The new haircut looks fabulous on you!

  9. My breath audibly (I mean, loudly) sucked in when I got to the picture. You look fantastic!! What a courageous and bold step to take as you move forward. And David did a great job! We are proud to know you and are sending hugs and love.
    P.S. You are rocking the wig and wig/hat combo as well!

    Leigh Ann and Jarrett

  10. What a blessing it is to get to watch you through this process thank you for being such an inspiration and a wonderful example to women everywhere!! You are truly beautiful inside and out!! Love ya and keep up the fight

  11. Hello Beautiful Bald One: Have just caught up on your blog but that doesn't mean you have not been in my heart since I saw your facebook post. Your are one sure-fired AMAZING WOMAN. I love your attitude and positive vibe, I truly feel it will make you soar and their is not a doubt in my mind that when the smoke clears you will be even more awsome that you are at this very moment, watch out world!!!!! I have free time to spare and will check the calendar for dates so Reese and Tatum and play. Nettie

  12. Hi Shelly, I'm just catching up on your blog from the last few days after visiting my mom. Let me just add to the voices here that you look fabulous with a shaved head. Reminds me of Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta. Perhaps the next red carpet walk should include this look - seriously. Thinking of you today. You are lighting the way.

    - Lloyd

  13. WOW! You look so awesome! I don't know why I didn't really think thru to the pain of losing your hair and the difficulty of giving up the power to control your looks. But look at you, taking back what you could of the power (shaving), embracing vulnerability by leaning on your beautiful support, and giving up what was not serving you (hair!). THEN, you look beautiful to boot! I truly am in awe of how you are pulling this off. You are my hero, incredible, beautiful, brave, luminous friend. You are made of stars :)

  14. You look beautiful! I love the shot of you and David -- looking like each other after all these years :) Your spirit is SO bright right now! Continued prayers, Laila

  15. Shelly, You look great! What a great idea to take this bull by the horns! cut your hair early and make it fun with a party! You are such an inspiration, I pray for you, the fam, and your battle every day... and I pray to be more like you with such a positive attitude. I love that you are sharing so each of us can get better with you along the way. God comforts us, surrounds us with love and helps us to be strong and deal with life's challenges. You are such a wonderful person and you deserve all this great support and caring. Know that we love you! Al & Jo & fam
