Friday, January 17, 2014

Figuring it out

Hi family & friends, thank you for all the prayers, support, comments and love! I just wanted to write a quick entry following my first chemo to let everyone know I've survived (am surviving?) the initial treatment side effects. If this follows a pattern, my side effects hit hard and fast. I even started feeling nauseous and fatigued during my infusion. Last night, I definitely experienced nausea, exhaustion, aches and a headache. I think knowing this, we just need to rush home so I can take all my meds immediately and go to bed.

Today I'm much better. Definitely eating bland foods and feeling tired-- I napped twice, which is big for a girl who never naps! I'm so thankful for my parents. They are in overtime care giving mode! They took care of our kids while we were in Houston, took care of me while David took R to Mystic movie night last night, and took care of me all day while D was at work (minus when he came home to give me my Neulasta shot). From letting me nap to coming along on a short, much needed walk on this beautiful day, it has made such a difference in how I'm feeling. Sometimes you just need your mom & dad!

Hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Hugs and love to Pam and Mike. Glad you are surviving. xoxo

  2. Shel: Your dad and I love helping you and taking care of our incredible Grandkids. You are looking great today. It is so awesome the way you and David are handling this.
    Love you,

    1. Pam, Shelly is so lucky to have you two. But if you ever need help with the kids, I am right down the street from them and would love to help out. Wilton would love to play with Weston!

  3. Love parents!!!!
    xoxo - Shannon

  4. You are a real inspiration --up and blogging and even going for a walk! I'm so glad you have David and your folks taking care of things so you can rest well. They are the best. With all the love around you, you are sure to come through everything like a champ.
    Love you loads,

  5. You have an amazing family!! Love to you all. xoxo

  6. You are one awesome women and we know will beat this. Glenn manages Union Hill and we are part of your prayer chain offering any support and help you may need when at the farm. Glenn and Bonnie

  7. Sounds like you have the tools and the support you need to beat this monster. Thank goodness for family, huh? We all know how amazing your parents are, and sounds like David is just a s amazing. I'm so glad you are getting primo care and treatment. Just want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you daily, and I'm so glad you are doing this blog- I think it's a great idea, and will be therapeutic for you as well. I t is good to read and get a feeling for the whole process, and for how you are coming along. Sounds like you have lots of friends who support you and are there in Austin to lend helping hands when needed. We can't be there in austin, but we are there in spirit cheering you on! You have a huge cheer leading squad here in CO-so don't forget- we love you , we're praying for you and feel confident everything is going to be fine. We know it will be hard for you and your family, but you have such an awesome team working with you, And, never forget "with the Lord, all things are possible". Hang in there, girl. Love, hugs, and positive energy is being sent your way. Love, Jolene, Alan and all the gang

  8. You are a great inspiration to us all. The Colorado Klan is all praying for you and we love you! We're so glad that you are surrounded by family that love and support you so well! You deserve it! We know you can do it! Love Al, Jo and gang

  9. Shelly we are thinking of you and praying for you. You are so strong we know you'll get through it!

    Clark & Kelly Bain

  10. Love you and think you are amazing and I am so glad you have such a strong support system there, family and friends are such a blessing

  11. Family is the doubt. Blessed to have a wonderful mom and dad. Good to hear the fight has begun and love the pink gloves. You and David are awesome. Give you kids a hug from Kyler. - Terry

  12. Shelly I wish I could be there to wrap my loving arms around you and David and the children. You have a wonderful loving support group, you are blessed. I love the pink boxing gloves that Christine and family made for you, and the messege is even better. Love you, Anne Louise
